Understanding Acne Scars
Acne scars can be defined as a permanent textural changes of the skin which
causes indentations that develop as a result of severe acne.
However it is noted that scarring is not used for temporary red and brown marks left
after the acne, rather it is a permanent mark which leaves after acne subsides.
Hence these marks or scars are permanent.
They often require a disciplined dermatological approach.
How are they formed?
These scars are formed when the large pus filled spaces known as Acne, destroy the
skin tissue. When the cyst eventually empties and heals up it might leave behind a
deep scarring on the face .
In case of chest or Back, the scarring can be lumpy that is termed as hypertrophic or
keloid’s scaring.
What are the types of Acne scars?
Atrophic scars.
These are also known as depressed scars. They are usually seen on the face. They
are formed below the surrounding skin they are formed when there is an insufficient
collagen while healing the Acne.
They are further classified into :
A .Box scar
These are wide U-shaped scars with sharp edges .the scars that respond better to
the skin resurfacing treatments
B. Ice prick scars
These scars are very narrow and V shaped scars that usually go deep into the skin.
They are the most difficult scars to treat as they may extend far under the surface of
the skin.
C.Rolling scar:
These scars can be defined as depressions having rounded edges and irregular
rolling appearance.
Hypertrophic scar :
Hypertrophic scar raised or the lumpy scars that develop on the chest and back
as the acne heals. These are present above the surface of the skin and caused
due to excessive collagen buildup.
How do I prevent Acne cars or pimple marks ?
Prevention is always better than cure ,and Acne scars are no different .It is very
difficult to prevent thes scars . Once they have awoke you all need to do is to
maintain a good and healthy lifestyle.
Effective Acne scar treatments!
1.Laser resurfacing :
Laser reserfacing is a popular treatment for acnes cars .It uses light energy to
promote collagen remodeling. Here at Richardson’s face hospital, Bangalore we
offer the best fractional laser treatment and usfd approved laser technology. This
treatment addresses various skin concerns including Acne scars by gently removing
the superficial layer of damaged the skin. The laser stimulates collagen production
and reveals a smoother more youthful complexion .
2.Chemical peels :
A chemical peel is a solution that is applied to the skin which exfoliates the top layer
and stimulates the growth of new skin .This process can improve the appearance of
the scars and also stimulate the collagen production. Superficial peels are effective
for mild acne scars ,while deeper peels are suitable for deep Acne scars.
Unlock the best secret to radiant skin with the remarkable chemical peel treatment
offered at cosmetic dermatology department of Richardson’s face hospital .
Designed to exfoliate and revitalise your skin this treatment effectively reduces the
appearance of Acne scars giving you a smoother and youthful complexion .
- Dermal fillers
Dermal fillers are injectibles that can help to fill the depressed scars making them
less noticeable. Fillers can provide immediate results and effective for rolling and box
cars. However the treatment must be done periodically as effects are temporary .
4.Microneedling :
Micro needling known as collagen induction therapy .It is a pro6cedure that uses tiny
multiple needles to produce a microvascular injuries on the skin .This stimulates the
collagen production and enhances the skin’s natural healing process. Which in turn
heals the scars , can also reduce the appearance of the Acne scars promoting
smoother and even textured skin.
Subscion is a procedure that helps to release the scarring from underneath the skin.
Acne scar is not just the skin surface ,the scars include webbing that extends deep
and below. In order to release the scars and provide smooth skin texture.
Achieve clear smoother skin with us at Richardson’s face hospital !
Acknowledge scars and marks are can be distressing but effective treatments are
available to minimise their appearance from topical lightning agents to laser
However it’s essential to consult with a good CosmeticDermatologist to
determine the most suitable treatment for your skin specific needs by following a
comprehensive skin care routine and taking preventive measures, you can achieve
smoother and clear skin With Richardson’s face Hospital,Bangalore!
You can achieve the beautiful blemish free skin you deserve.
Ready to take the first step towards a beautiful radiant skin
Schedule a consultation with our experienced cosmetic
dermatology team by calling at 9364096942
Our experts will assess your unique needs and customise
treatment plan.
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